Mediation Services

City of Oakland Mediation Services (COMS)

EBRHA is expanding the availability of our mediation services to small owners/operators with rental properties in Oakland through our pilot Small Property Owner Representation Services (SPORS) contract with the City of Oakland.

The expanded service offers a constructive and efficient alternative to litigation in resolving common renter and rental property owner/manager disputes – lower cost for all parties (time, money, and resources).


Owners must qualify for our SPORS program in order to be eligible for City of Oakland Mediation Services (COMS).


Reach out to our SPORS & Mediation specialist for more information:

SPORS@EBRHA.COM  |  (510) 358-4301

Meet EBRHA Mediators

What is Mediation?

Mediation is a voluntary and confidential process in which a neutral third party, known as a mediator, assists disputing parties in reaching a mutually acceptable resolution. Unlike litigation, which involves court proceedings and legal representation, mediation focuses on open communication, cooperation, and compromise to resolve conflicts effectively. It can also be a successful solution in diverting dispute cases and adding to the current backlog in the Alameda County Court system.

How Effective is Mediation?

Both the National Center for State Courts (NCSC) and the American Bar Association (ABA) conclude that mediation is an effective alternative dispute resolution (ADR) tool. Studies and reports also confirm an effective success rate of over 80%. Remediation can occur in days or weeks versus months for litigated cases and claims. Mediated cases cost a fraction of litigation costs – up to 70% less.

Why Choose Mediation Over Litigation?

Mediation offers several advantages over traditional litigation, especially in renter and rental property owner/manager disputes:

  • Cost-Effectiveness. Engaging in mediation is often more affordable than going to court. Legal fees, court costs, and lengthy proceedings can be avoided, saving both parties time and money.

  • Faster Resolution. Mediation typically yields quicker results compared to the lengthy court process. By facilitating direct communication between parties, mediation accelerates the resolution timeline, allowing individuals to move forward with their lives or business operations promptly.

  • Relationship Preservation. In rental disputes, maintaining a positive relationship between rental owners/managers and renters is crucial for ongoing compliance and to uphold rental agreements. Mediation promotes constructive dialogue and understanding, preserving relationships that might otherwise be strained by adversarial legal battles.

  • Customized Solutions. Unlike court-imposed judgments, mediated agreements are tailored to the specific needs and interests of the parties involved. This flexibility allows for creative solutions that address the root causes of the dispute, leading to more sustainable outcomes.

  • Empowerment and Control. Mediation empowers individuals to actively participate in crafting their own solutions, rather than surrendering control to a judge or jury. This sense of ownership over the outcome often leads to greater satisfaction and compliance with the agreed-upon terms.

  • Confidentiality. Unlike court proceedings, which are a matter of public record, mediation sessions are confidential. This confidentiality fosters a safe environment for open and honest communication, encouraging parties to explore options and express concerns without fear of repercussion. Not submitting an insurance claims declaration for open or pending litigation may be another positive outcome and benefit as well.